Thursday, February 17, 2011


In my quest to build up my singing stamina, I was reminded of a brilliant, fun, easy, and often  overlooked form of exercise.  JUMP ROPE!  The video that reminded me of all the glories jumping rope has to offer is actually a youtube clip of an opera master class taught by Victoria Clarke - one of my favorite Broadway performers!    (I have no rights to this video at all - and do not know who to credit -  but I wanted to share it!)

What a wonderful way to test out your breath control/work on your breath control!  Jumping rope is HARD!

WHICH, leads me to another challenge to present to you dear readers!  Since the weather is warming up, if only for a few days, it's time to start thinking about fun times in the park.  You can buy a jump rope for as little as  $4.    Go out, buy one, and try to jump rope for 30 seconds straight!  It's way harder than it looks.  If that is too easy, try 1 minute and so and so forth.   THEN try singing whilst jumping!   Build up your cardio, strengthen your muscles, improve your breath control, and tone up your body.    Maybe one day you can be as amazing as the US Naval Academy!

If you aren't ready for the fancy US Naval academy moves, check out this video from Expert Village.  

And here is advice from eHow on how to buy the perfect jump rope for YOU!  (And, no, it's probably not the thin plastic purple sparkly one with The Little Mermaid stamped on the handles - as tempting it is.)  


  1. Determine how you will use the jump rope. Obviously, you'll be jumping. But there are a surprising number of different jump-rope exercises. Some people speed-jump, while others perform tricks or integrate non-jumping moves into their program. Your use will determine the type of jump rope you should buy.

  2. Decide which type of jump rope fits your needs. Speed ropes are lightweight and are made for fast jumpers. Woven cloth ropes won't bounce off the ground, but they show wear easily. Beaded ropes are durable and work great for general jump-rope routines.

  3. Consider where you are going to jump rope before you buy. If you plan on jumping rope outdoors, you may want a heavier jump rope that won't be affected by the wind and that can stand up to the elements.

  4. Measure the length of jump rope you need. Stand on the middle of the rope, then pick up the handles and pull them up toward your armpits. Each handle should reach a height equal to that of your armpits. If you can't measure a jump rope itself, use a piece of string to determine the length you need.

  5. Shop for a good quality jump rope at a sports or fitness store in your community. If you can't find anything you like, check out the selection on the Web. If you buy a jump rope online, verify the correct length you need before you make the purchase.

  6. Buy your new jump rope!

HAPPY JUMPING!  I now need to go buy a jump rope of my own so I can take my own advice!:)

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